Jodi Perkins
Instructional Assistant
Mrs. Perkins (Jodi) is a graduate of Our Savior Lutheran School. She developed a passion for theatre at the age of 9 and has been involved in the industry since that time. She began serving as the elementary school teacher's aide in 2014. Most of her time is spent with kindergarten through 2nd grade but she is always helping out wherever she can (and bringing her silly theatrics to the kids and staff whenever possible!)
Jodi and her husband, Mick, have 2 children at OSLS, Eli and Baylee. Jodi loves spending time in nature, going to art fairs, and finding new experiences to enjoy. While Jodi works part time at OSLS, she spends the rest of her time booking talent for special events, promotions, and marketing campaigns around Louisville. She has been the Actor Coordinator for the Louisville Zoo since 2006.
B.A. Theatre Arts & Public Speaking - University of Louisville