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Elementary School (3rd - 5th)


3rd Grade

Mrs. Kamman

Third grade students continue to grow into more independent learners.  A high emphasis is placed on developing a sense of responsibility for both themselves and the academic expectations of the teacher.  Organizational skills are taught and reinforced regularly.  Sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others in the classroom is fostered with the expectation of appropriate behavior as a result.

Curriculum Goals


  • Religion – Students are introduced and exposed to key concepts of the Lutheran Christian faith.  They will be able to read from the Bible and have a concept of chapter and verse.  They will understand they are forgiven and therefore, not separated from God.


  • Reading/Language Arts – A variety of different types of literature are encountered. Reading comprehension, decoding, and vocabulary skills are emphasized.  Creative writing with content and organization and with an awareness of grammatical mechanics is a high priority.


  • Handwriting – Continued practice in cursive is the emphasis of the first semester.  During the second semester students will be expected to complete all written work in cursive unless otherwise instructed.


  • Mathematics – The third grade students need to use mathematical concepts daily is implemented by developing skills such as problem solving, using basic operations, identifying patterns, and the skills of multiplying and an introduction to division.  Decimals are introduced and geometric concepts expanded.


  • Social Studies – Students understand that God created our world and therefore need to learn about landforms and natural resources.  Skills in map reading, use of a globe, and other geographical skills are practiced.  They will recognize communities are places where people live, work, and cooperate with each other in order to accomplish tasks and goals.


  • Science – Types of Plants and Animals, How Soil is Formed, Cycles of the Earth and Space, Properties of Matter and Changes are the units of study in this grade.


  • Spelling – Houghton Mifflin Spelling & Vocabulary works its way through word families and basic spelling patterns to help the students learn to spell.


  • Computer – Students will master the use of log-in ID’s and passwords, use of two hand typing and the home row keys, and internet terminology. Students will learn to use spell check and insert illustrations in word documents and spreadsheets and the use of databases.  Students will be introduced to presentation programs and uses.  Students will learn to use the internet more for research. 


  • Art, Music, P.E., Choir – The concept that anyone can enjoy art is reinforced as students work in a variety of mediums and projects. Further muscular strength occurs as students participate in a variety of games and drills.  


  • Sportsmanship is also emphasized.  Music education continues to have a high place in the weekly life of students through classroom and choir activity.


4th Grade

Mrs. Paquin

Fourth grade is a major step for students to become independent learners.  Much of the teacher directed activity is gradually replaced by more student initiated and directed work.  Building on the third grade introductions to organization and self-discipline, this grade takes students to the next level of responsibility.

Curriculum Goals


  • Religion – Using the Bible, students recognize we are all forgiven people.  Bible study includes an in depth study of Jesus’ life and ministry as well as the early Christian church.  Memory work is an integral part of the class.


  • Reading – The Accelerated Reader program continues at this level with computer generated reading levels and comprehension tests.  Using the Houghton Mifflin curriculum power lessons teach reading and literacy skills which are applied to the novels read in class.


  • English, Vocabulary – Study of the parts of speech and sentence structure is integrated with a host of writing activities over a broad range of styles including narratives, letters, stories, descriptive, and reports.  Weekly vocabulary lessons from their novels introduce new words and their definitions.


  • Mathematics – A multitude of hands-on games are used to help prepare students to be lifelong math thinkers.  Logic and problem solving are the backbone of the coursework. Geometry, data organization, numeration, measuring, and algebra are studied along with mastery of the four basic groups of math facts.


  • Social Studies, Kentucky History – Along with studying the cultural, historical, and geographical features of several regions of the United States, the fourth grade also spends considerable time studying and getting to know their own state, Kentucky.  Various reports and projects are a part of the learning methods used.


  • Spelling, Handwriting – Weekly lessons help students learn specific spelling rules and related writing skills.  Handwriting practice aims to improve cursive legibility.


  • Science, Health – Hands-on experiments and projects are used in the study of forces that shape the earth, motion, energy and ecosystems.


  • Art, Music, P.E., Choir – As in other grades, a variety of mediums are used in Art.  Music and choir continue to expand student awareness and understanding of musical notation, rhythms, styles, and purposes.  Physical activity explores group games, personal physical fitness, and sportsmanship.


  • Technology – The students will use technology to complete classroom writing assignments while learning to cite sources. 


  • Students will learn to create multimedia presentations. They will continue to work on keyboarding skills.  Students also begin to learn how to write basic formulas in spreadsheets and use databases. 


5th Grade

MrS. Overlin

The primary focus of the fifth & sixth grades is strengthening language arts and math skills in preparation for middle school.  Hands-on activities are utilized whenever possible, while worksheets and workbooks are used to practice and master educational skills.

Curriculum Goals


  • Religion – Making Godly choices is the main area of focus as selected parts of the book of Proverbs are studied.  This is particularly important as middle school and all its challenges are on the horizon.  


  • Reading – The components of reading (fact/opinions, inferencing, context clues,compare/contrastare developed. Students     read four grade-level appropriate novels further strengthening their literacy and comprehension skills.  Vocabulary development is also stressed through the use of Vocabulary Workshop materials.


  • Accelerated Reader – An accent to the core reading curriculm is our AR program.  Students receive quarterly point and average book level goals to guide their selection of reading materials.  They then read varying length books on their developmental level enabling them to systematically increase their reading skills.  Testing is done four times a year to evaluate each student’s reading progress.


  • English, Handwriting – Grammar, parts of speech and creative writing enhance the student’s ability to express themselves in written language.  The Six Traits of Writing is used in the formation of student’s written work.  Continued reinforcement of correct letter/number formation, a high level of orderliness and neatness in written work, and expectations of self-evaluation are all a part of handwriting instruction.


  • Mathematics – Problem solving while working on fundamentals of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is stressed.  The computation and understanding of area and volume is heavily emphasized as students engage in real world problems.   Geometry and algebraic concepts are further introduced and practiced.


  • Social Studies – United States History up through the Revolutionary War, landforms, map skills, neighborhoods, cultural diversity, graphs and charts are all a part of this comprehensive area of study.  Completion of an individually prepared state project enables students to educate their classmates on the unique differences of our great country.


  • Science – Students use experientially based educational opportunities and laboratory findings to understand and visualize scientific concepts. Matter and Its Properties, Atoms and Elements, Forces, Motion, Energy, and Weather are all units of study.


  • Art - Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original artworks.  They are taught to use vocabulary of the visual arts to express themselves as well as analyze past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to art and artists.


  • P.E. - Utillizing team games, students will apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics to enhance their movement and performance. Activities foster the knowledge and skills to maintain a life-long of health-enhancing physical activity and fitness.  God-given talents will be developed while exhibiting respect for both self and others.  


  • Computer - Students will continue to develop proper keyboarding skills working toward a level of 35 wpm by 8th grade.  Students will add to their knowledge of computer hardware and its care.  They will master the use of source citation and technology systems.  Students will learn additional formatting skills in word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software.  


  • Students will incorporate information from the internet in presentations and reports.

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