What is Panther Partners?
The Panther Partners Program exists to help raise funds for scholarships to make Lutheran education a reality for families who might not otherwise be able to afford it. Last year, we awarded over $90,000 in scholarships which helped provide funding for over 20% of our students. Help us make even more of an impact by donating today.
Saying Thanks
As a way to say thank you for your support, we will send you the following gifts based on your contribution. Note: for online contributions, you may need to email your address to cdavidson@oslslouisville.com. Be sure to include your name, gift amount, clothing size, & giving method in your message.

Pillar Partner
For your gift of $50 or more, Pillar Partners will receive an Our Savior Lutheran School Tote Bag.
Patron Partner
For gifts of $100 dollars or more, you become a Patron Partners which means you will receive an OSLS Tote Bag and a Garment Washed Cap.

Premier Partner
For our Premier Partners, contributors receive all the gifts from the Pillar and Patron levels as well as a custom OSLS Yeti tumbler.
Platinum Partner
As a Platinum Partner, you receive all the gifts from each of the other giving levels and a specially embroidered OSLS soft shell jacket.