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Providing the Louisville Area Exceptional Education for Over 30 Years

10:1 Student to Teacher Ratio

1:1 Technology-Enhanced Curriculum

Electives & Sports Available for All Students


What We Offer

At Our Savior Lutheran School, we provide each student a rigorous and differentiated education to prepare them for the future as well as spiritual formation and edification to prepare them for an eternity with our Lord.

Why Choose Our Savior?

A Close-Knit Community

Small class sizes, a low student-to-teacher ratio, and multiple family-centered events throughout the year ensure that both you and your student will feel at home at OSLS.

An Affordable, 
Quality Education

Our Savior Lutheran School's tuition is amongst the lowest of similar K-8 schools in our area. A quality, Christian education is even easier to obtain at OSLS!

Experienced, Passionate Teachers

More than half of Our Savior Lutheran School's faculty have over 25 years of experience in education. And all of our faculty our dedicated to their content and their students.

A Thorough Education: Mind, Body, & Spirit

At Our Savior Lutheran School, we focus on more than providing quality instruction, we also seek to edify and sanctify the spirit with God's Word via daily religion classes and weekly chapel services. 


"Our Savior Lutheran School has been such a blessing to our family there is no better feeling then hearing your 8 year old say "before we have lunch everyone prays" and how much he enjoys going to chapel. The staff and teachers are wonderful! Everyone is so kind and helpful and truly goes out of their way to help anyway possible. We love OSLS!!"

Wendy D.

Parent of OSLS Students

"Our Savior is so much more than a school - it's a family! With it's small class sizes they are able to nurture each individual and their learning success. Not only is Our Savior focused on academics but they are focused on the christian foundation that is being built in each student on a daily basis. I am so grateful to be able to see firsthand how each teacher strives to enrich these children's lives. The relationships that are formed at this school last a lifetime!"

Jodi P.

Parent of OSLS Student

"I started 3 day preschool at OSLS in 1993 and graduated in 2004.  I can confidently say that the teachers, staff, and curriculum helped to prepare me for future success.  The small class sizes and closeness with the teachers is something I know my parents valued and now I value that for my daughter.  I still keep in contact with some of the teachers (e.g., Mrs. Kamman, my kindergarten teacher).  For my daughter, I'm thankful for OSLS for being so welcoming to us and helping with her starting kindergarten."


Parent of OSLS Student

Where Our Graduates Go

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  • What is a Lutheran?
    Confessional Lutheranism is a major branch of Protestant Christianity. In particular, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) accepts and preaches the Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century. Lutherans are known for their emphasis on grace and faith, with some of their core beliefs including the priesthood of all believers, justification by faith alone, and the Bible as the only source of divine authority. The teaching of Luther and the reformers can be summarized in three phrases: Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone.
  • What do we believe?
    With the universal Christian Church, Our Savior Lutheran School, as part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God: the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God’s Word and Sacraments. The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God. This is further explained in the three ecumenical creeds: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Additionally, Lutherans believe that faith is created through the gift of Holy Baptism and the preaching of God's Word and strengthened not by looking inside of one's self (to one's own faith and/or doubts) but by looking outside of one's self (to God's Word and promises in Christ). Therefore, assurance of salvation is to be sought by looking to God's Word and promises in Christ (which both create and strengthen the faith through which one is saved), not by looking inward at the strength or weakness of one's own faith (which creates either pride and false assurance or doubt and lack of assurance). For more information, we invite you to look at the beliefs page of the LCMS website.
  • Why Lutheran education?
    Lutherans operate schools in order to integrate divine revelation through the Holy Scriptures with academics, producing Christian citizens who demonstrate high intellect and a deep understanding of faith. Our graduates learn the important partnership and balance of spiritual and intellectual development, recognizing their place in God's creation and embracing their roles in both the secular world and the church.
  • What is the tuition for K-8 enrollment?
    The tuition for K-8 students at Our Savior Lutheran School is $8,631 for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • How many students are enrolled at Our Savior Lutheran School?
    As of the 2024-2025 school year, there are 100 students enrolled at Our Savior Lutheran School including all PreK and K-8 students.


8307 Nottingham Pkwy.

Hurstbourne, KY 40222


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